Generation Zero #1
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Francis Portela
Colors: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Publisher: Valiant
Reviewed by David Hildebrand
Fresh from the pages of Harbinger Wars and Armor Hunters comes Generation Zero. Generation Zero is a group of children that were taken away from their families by a privatized weapons contractor named Project Rising Spirit. They were raised to be killing machines, after being under the Project’s control, they fought for their freedom and won. Now the group of teenagers are using their special abilities to fight the fights for the kids that are just like them but cannot stand on their own. To right the wrongs of their own generation.
Before I go on, let me tell you that the good news about this book is that you do not need to know who Generation Zero is to enjoy this. However, if you do know who they are, you will probably enjoy this first issue a little more. To be honest, I am not as familiar with them as I would like to be, but I still thought this was an decent issue, but not without its flaws. Our protagonist Keisha Sherman is the focal point of the story. She lives in Michigan with her father and her brother. She has many questions about this mysterious group. Are they real, urban legends, do they really help the ones in desperate need of assistance? The only way to find out is to log on to the net and request the help of Generation Zero. I like how the story began but about halfway through, I’m asking where the hell are these kids at? The book serves mostly as an introductory story of Keisha, but the pacing isn’t bad. Van Lente does a nice job of fleshing Keisha out, however I was hoping to see more of Generation Zero. But when they are finally introduced, it just leaves more intrigue and questions about them. Which really isn’t a bad thing. I’m sure things will pick up the next issue since we know all about Keisha and her background.
I like Van Lente’s style of telling the story. This first issue does act more as an extended introduction, but it works. He is carrying us forward in anticipation for what is coming next as the plot continues to develop. Portela nails it with his art work. He brings a hipster/goth style to Keisha. He brings out incredible detail in the facial expressions and since the story is primarily focused on characters and not so much as action, this is vital to selling the story. Dalhouse’s colors complement the art well. The shading stands out on the character’s faces. There are some vivid panels and the whole issue feels very warm and comfortable. I really feel the colors stood out in this issue and breathed life into the city of Rook, Michigan.
Buy it/Skip it. I’m 50/50 and I’m sure some of you are like “Dave, how are you 50/50 after you said you enjoyed the issue?” Well, let me tell you. Honestly, if you read the preview to this book, you really don’t need to read the issue. It is your typical first issue. Everything is being set up, nothing major really happens. But we see the direction that Van Lente is wanting to go. I would say you are safe starting with issue #2. With that being said, I did enjoy it and if you are familiar with the characters, or just a good ole fashioned completest like I am, then go ahead and snag this up for your collection.