Eternity Girl #2
Writer: Magdalene Visaggio
Artist: Sonny Liew
Colorist: Chris Chuckry
Letterer: Todd Klein
Publisher: DC’s Young Animal
Review by Anelise Farris
Last issue we were introduced to Caroline Sharp (aka Chrysalis). No longer the superhero she once was, Caroline’s powers have gone awry, and she’s on mandated job leave from Alpha 13. While all of this would be distressing for your average person, it is 100 times worse for her because of her depression. Turns out being immortal kind of sucks a lot when you’re depressed and want to die.
Eternity Girl #2 picks up right where issue #1 left us: with Madame Atom’s proposition. Madame Atom claims that she can kill Caroline, but the rest of the world will have to die too. As such, Caroline is frantically trying to get in touch with Director Steven Sloan, and you can just feel the panic with each panel. The team does a great job of visually depicting what’s going on inside her head.
While Caroline is dealing with the possible wipe-out of humanity, her friend is trying to “cheer her up” by inviting her to go see a comedian. We witness Caroline trying to convince herself to go out, but the reality is that it is so mentally exhausting to present one’s self as “okay” when one clearly isn’t. Her friend, as well-meaning as she is, confronts Caroline about her seeming to “get off on being miserable.” She doesn’t understand what it’s like to have depression. As they’re having this conversation, we literally see Caroline transition from her “normal” human self to the sad blue self—which completely overtakes her by the time she leaves.
Things only escalate from here, as Caroline takes a trip to space with Madame Atom, challenges Astrolas, and confronts Sloan. The story progresses at a great pace; a lot happens, but I never felt overwhelmed. There’s both great character development and interesting action. The art is surreal yet familiar, and gorgeously colored. On one of the last pages, with her screaming “WHY AM I EVEN ALIVE,” you can just feel her rage; the energy radiates off the page.
Verdict: Buy it.
Eternity Girl #2 is even more perfect than the first issue. Depression is a subject that is expressed so much better with visuals. This creative team is telling a story that is so fantastic and yet ridiculously real, and I can’t wait until the next issue.
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