With rumours circulating about the new all-girls DC Comics movie Gotham Sirens, the want for merchandise of our favourite comic book ladies have never been higher. Over the past few years, DC Comic Collectibles collaborated with the very talented Ant Lucia by creating statues of his DC Bombshells illustrations, who are all done up in a 50’s pin-up style.
There are 27 statues to collect all together, which also includes statues of some of our male protagonists, those being Aquaman and Superman. All of the statues have a 40’s and 50’s pin-up theme with two of the limited edition statues centred around the festive Christmas theme.
Some of the characters included in the DC Bombshells statue collection include:
- Poison Ivy
- Harley Quinn
- Batgirl
- Black Canary
- Stargirl
- Zatanna
- Killer Frost
- Cheetah
- The Joker and Harley Quinn (there is also a second edition to this statue, the Joker’s outfit is purple in the second edition)
- Catwoman
- Batwoman
- Lois Lane
- Mera
- Hawkgirl
I do have one or two favourites from the series. Katana has to be favourite as she looks so powerful and I absolutely love the colour palette. It looks less pin-up to me as well which is why it stands out from the rest. I also love The Flash statue because it’s captures to 50’s pin -up perfectly. I love the use of colour and she is the spitting image of Lucille Ball. I’m also fond of the fact that we’re also getting male DC Bombshells statues too. I think it’ll be interesting to see them in their 50’s pin-up looks! Hopefully they’ll do Nightwing since he’s my favourite!
The statues themselves range from $80-$250 dollars so if some of your favourites are way over your budget you can find alternatives. Funko Pop have released a line of DC Bombshells Funko Pops while Entertainment Earth sells bottle openers with Ant lucia original illustrations of them as well as DC Bombshells blind boxes!