Have you heard about Cineplex’s Flashback Film Festival? No? Well, let me enlighten you.
FBFF is Canada’s only coast-to-coast film festival brings a lineup of sci-fi, fantasy and fan favourites back to the big screen. This year, Cineplex Events and renowned film critic Richard Crouse curated a lineup of 17 of the most blood-pumping, thrill-inducing and heart-warming films in cinema that will screen in over 25 cities across the country.
The line-up of films you can see on the big screen include:
- The Princess Bride
- Heat
- Fight Club
- The Running Man
- Air Force One
- Shallow Grave
- Legend
- Trainspotting
- The Fifth Element
- Jurassic Park
- Blade Runner – The Final Cut
- The Fugitive
- Groundhog Day
- Blood Simple
- Starship Troopers
- Pulp Fiction
Whaaaaaat! How cool is that?! JURASSIC PARK ON THE BIG SCREEN AGAIN!!!!!!! Actually, getting to see most of these on the big screen would be a massive treat… I know what I’ll be doing February 3-9.
YOU can join us as we check out these films for the Flashback Film Festival. We have 10 pairs of tickets to giveaway for the event.
While this contest isn’t specifically limited to those in Canada, you do need to attend the event within Canada at your local Cineplex, so please only enter if you’ll be able to