The Comics Agenda Episode 15: Logan’s Heroes
The Comics Agenda is back with episode 15: Logan’s Heroes. This week, we discuss Secret Empire and the rumblings going on with the variant covers, the Deadpool 2 teaser, and what we have been reading. We also talk about Copperhead #11, Redline #1, Kingpin #2, and Motor Crush #4. Anelise and Greg talk about Logan while Dave sits quietly contemplating his life. Hit us up! Tell us what you think of the show! And if there are any books you would like us to tackle! There might be a special guest next week! Stay tuned!
The Comics Agenda is
Greg Brothers – Twitter: @popculturegeek3 Anelise Farris – Twitter: @AneliseFarris David Hildebrand – Twitter: @Sycotic
You can also follow us on Twitter @TheComicsAgenda
The art was done by the very talented Nicole Bresner. Check out her work at www.nicolebresnerstudio.com You can also follow Nicole on Twitter: @NicoMysterriou