Bungie has officially announced the sequel to Destiny, aptly named Destiny 2!
The tweet did not contain any release dates or further information, but came on the heels of an unconfirmed leaked photo of a poster that suggests the game will be released sometime in the fall of 2017.
The glow of the Traveler is ominous as it hovers over a burning city, thought to foreshadow the destruction of the Last City. No official teasers or plot development has been released from Bungie to confirm any fan theories, which at this time remain just that.
With the launch of the Age of Triumph tomorrow, March 28th, we may get further details about what is in store for the Destiny franchise.
Check back after the Bungie.net weekly blog is posted for any pertinent updates!
UPDATE: Bungie launched the following teaser entitled “Last Call.” Watch the Destiny 2 Worldwide Reveal Trailer on March 30th at 10AM PT.[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ4i0AT8c-M]