BOO! Halloween Stories 2017
Writers/Artists: Various
Editor: Jon Morris
Publisher: ComiXology
A review by Samantha Pearson
BOO! Halloween Stories 2017 is a digital comic anthology sold through ComiXology that features 15 short tales about teenage ghosts, alien robots, axe murders, horrific history, sentient toys, voices from the beyond, voracious marionettes, zombies, closet monsters, swamp things, endless falling, sewer clowns, lake-dwelling serial killers, monsters by the alphabet, and chupacabras. Each story is unique; some are funny, others frightening. Some are political satire and others are based on legends of old. But they all have one thing in common: they’re perfect for Halloween.
Each of the stories in BOO! Halloween Stories 2017 is a short tale meant to be read under the covers with a flashlight in hand. They’re perfect for scaring friends at sleepovers or giving yourself a fright. And because each one is so different from the last, there’s something for everyone — a spook for every type of ghoul.
“The Alphabet of Monster” calls to mind Edward Gorey’s Gashlycrumb Tinies, which is particularly fun. “Watermelon Valley” hits all my creep buttons and “Mhairi” made me laugh out loud. “Crudzo the Sewer Clown vs. Scabra Cadabra” was also hilarious (and mildly traumatizing), but in a totally different way. This anthology is scary in 15 different ways but also just really, really fun.
Buy it! BOO! Halloween Stories 2017 is just $1.99 on ComiXology, which is a great deal for such a diverse, creative Halloween anthology. The 15 short comics contained within it have a little something for everyone, even people who just barely dabble in the horror genre but otherwise prefer to stay far, far away. Tonight, why not curl up and read some short comics while you wait for trick or treaters? Unless you’re too scared…