Batman #36
Writer: Tom King
Artist: Clay Mann
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Publisher: DC Comics
Review by Greg Brothers
When reading a “superhero” book, like most readers I enjoy seeing the hero take down the bad guy. As much fun as that is to see, it takes much more for a writer to have a good run on a comic book. You must be able to advance the characters also. Tom King in his run has been able to really explore Bruce Wayne, but even more so explore the human side of Batman.
Batman #36 starts off with Superman explaining to Lois that if Batman wants to talk he will call. Meanwhile Batman is explaining to Catwoman that he doesn’t need to call Superman. Both of the women want their significant others to talk to each other about what is going on in their personal lives. However, both give excuses as to why they do not want to or need to call the other until they happen to run into each other, probably while pursuing some low-level criminals.
After two arcs that were high on drama and action, Batman #36 is a pleasant change of pace. We get a chance to see how complicated both Batman and Superman are. It becomes obvious that if the two would just talk to each other they would realize what their friendship means to each other. It is a situation that makes both characters easy to relate to, and the buildup is filled with humor. Lois might have the line of the issue when Superman explains that he is to busy to call Batman, and she responds with her being sure Batman is sitting around twiddling his thumbs. The final reveal as the two reach their destinations is just as awkward as one would expect.
The contrast between the two sides stands out throughout. Panels featuring Batman and Catwoman are a bit darker than those with Superman and Lois. We are greeted with all the cliched looks such as Batman posing on a rooftop and Superman ripping his shirt open to revel the S on his chest. The art is not bad in any way. However, there is very little to it that screams anything original or groundbreaking. If you like your superheroes approached in a human, relatable way, then you will like Batman #36.
Buy it! Batman #36 does a fantastic job of reminding us about the human side of both heroes. The conversations had here are ones I could see having with my wife about friends. It’s just the way many relationships between men are: they mean everything to each other, but at the same time neither wants to admit it. Here, King continues to humanize Batman–which is something that is not easy to do with a character who is usually dark, brooding and hiding in the shadows.