Babes of Wonderland Episode 21: Beauty and the Beast (Live Action)
Two ladies talking about Disney and pop culture one movie at a time, joining the ranks of other great Rogues Portal podcasts at episode 21.
“A broken clock is right two times a day, Cogsworth. But this is not one of those times.” – Lumiere
On this episode of Babes and Wonderland Ashley and Laurel review and discuss the newly released live action Beauty and the Beast. Your hosts will delve into the character of LaFou, the first confirmed gay Disney character, as well as LGBT representation in past Disney films. Then, stick around for the inside scoop on other upcoming live action Disney movies that are still in the works!
Also, to go along with the Beauty and the Beast episode, Ashley features her superhero Belle cosplay!
Check out that and more at our blog. Also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram .
Music courtesy of Ben Sound. Babes of Wonderland is brought to you by Fancy Pants Gangsters. You can find the first 20 episodes there.