Claudia Gray’s Master & Apprentice (2019) focuses on the relationship between Qui-Gon Jinn and young Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the novel, Qui-Gon struggles with his role as Jedi Master.
Claudia Gray’s Master & Apprentice (2019) focuses on the relationship between Qui-Gon Jinn and young Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the novel, Qui-Gon struggles with his role as Jedi Master.
While the story crumbles a bit at the end, Labyrinth: Coronation manages to be another fantastical journey into the Labyrinth.
Nancy Drew: The Palace of Wisdom is a colorful update to the classic Nancy Drew stories and a fun, beautifully illustrated comic for all ages.
With all the great storytelling and artwork coming out of the Labyrinth comics, Labyrinth: A Discovery Adventure simply cannot compare.
With its heartfelt romances and bittersweet breakups, Mysteries of Love in Space #1 is a must read that is well worth the price.
The art is still fantastic and the new characters still endearing in Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Coronation #10. We might as well stick with it until the end!
As a Buffy fan, I found myself let down by Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1. It’s a gorgeous comic, but the awkwardness in the storytelling frustrated me.
Fans of Labyrinth won’t be disappointed by Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Novelization. The extras alone are worth the price!
Overall, Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Coronation #9 is a strong issue in the series with character development and fantastic art.