Alien Day is here!!! On April 26th you can celebrate the Alien franchise however you want (I will binge watch the whole saga) and of course I cannot celebrate it without showing you this amazing Funko!! Of course it isn’t Friday so it cannot be ‘Friday Funko’ so a ‘Featured Funko’ it is and please read till the very end as I may have a little surprise for you die hard Fans!!
Alien is a science-fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott in 1979. It starred many amazing actors which include Tom Skerritt, John Hurt, Ian Holm and Veronica Cartwright. The film’s refers to (what you already know) a highly aggressive and dangerous extraterrestrial creature that hunts and kills the crew of the spaceship, one by one. The film became a box office success and received an amazing critical acclaim and snagging many awards including an Academy Award for Best Visual effects and best Direction for mr Scott, Carwright also received an award for best supporting actress.
Even after all these years it has remained highly praised, and is considered one of the greatest films of all time (and you can see why, way way waaaay ahead of it’s time. The Library of Congress deemed the film in 2002 as ‘culturally, historically or aesthetically significant’, it’s also been selected for preservation in the United states National Film Registry. The American Film Institute ranked it as the seventh best film in the science fiction genre back in 2008.
After it’s success the film spawned many media franchises including novels, comic books, video games, toys as well as many other films!! It also kickstarted Sigourny Weaver’s career by providing her with with her first lead role, and what a strong role it is (quite the opposite of her role in Chappie). The story of her characters encounters with these creatures are shown in all the sequels which include Aliens, Alien 3 as well as Alien: Resurrection. There are also prequels to the series which include Prometheus as well as the 2017 film Alien: Covenant
The Funko Pop
I don’t think I own a Funko Pop as detailed as this one!! From the tiny Alien popping out of it’s mouth, to each line underneath that massive cone of a head, they haven’t missed a single thing!! The fingernails and the hands themselves look absolutely amazing!! What I love about this Funko is the fact you can turn it’s head from side to side. You cannot do that with many of the funko’s. The paint job is great no markings or anything like that and it stands up very well, even though it’s top heavy.
Now for the big surprise….
There are two Funko Pops for you to win. All you have to do to enter is comment below on why you love Alien so much! Simple Right!? Contest will be closing in two weeks time midnight EST (5 in the morning for us Brits). The winners will be announced later in the day!! Remember to share this competition for your Funko Pop/Alien loving friends!! Good Luck!!!
Alien has been such an amazing franchise for me. It helped me meet my girlfriend and some life long friends too. I first saw alien when I was around 13 or 14 and there was a scene with playboy magazines in the backround and my dad shouted to cover my eyes. I’ve been collecting figures and pop vinyls for years now but I never got my hands on a Xenomorph. Alien has been my one of my favorite movies for over 12 years now. Happy Alien Day.
Thanks @FatalAmelia for tweeting about this contest! The Alien movies are so fun to watch! Even though I know what’s going to happen, I find my self on the edge of my seat. Also, I find the Xenomorphs adorable~. Even the game was fun and exciting!
Alien is the ultimate killing machine. If nature took a shark and gave it arms and legs and let it climb and move about you would have a Xenomorph. Love this Pop! Hope nature doesn’t get any ideas! lol!
Alien was one of the first horror movies that had me hiding under blankets! When the little alien came out of the dudes chest and face huggers latched onto to people’s faces–I thought Aliens are FAR scarier than a dreamed up monster man with knives as fingers! Alien is one bad beast…with multiple weapons of death! Sripping acid to punching holes with the surprise in its mouth! 0.0 Wow. Just. Wow. Alien is one of my favorite all-time horror creatures…and Ripley is my girl. I play Alien on the PS4!! But…I have no Alien figures and I’m a small time Funko collector…so this is PERFECT! Thanks for the chance! Following on IG and Twitter…Plus–Sharing!
Alien had such a unique atmosphere at the time. Very scary to watch as a kid, had to wait a few years to watch it competely. The jump scares surprised me especially the one with Dallas. Nowadays though it just looks like the thing is reaching out for a hug.
I just recently started collecting Pops and this would make an excellent addition to the collection. Thanks for the giveaway!