Chinese New Year has just passed and Tan Jiu gave a special Tamen De Gushi for us!! You may (or may not) have noticed that I’ve skipped two chapters to review. Reason being is that, well not much happened in them and I don’t think they’re related to the plot. And if they are then I’m completely lost with this manhua. Hopefully I’ll understand what’s going on soon!! So what are the guys up to? Let’s find out…

They guys all gather to celebrate Chinese New Year….

This has to be my favourite chapter or special thus far!!! It’s soo cute and all my favourites are there. Upperclassman is there and Qin Xiong is finally back!! We haven’t seen him in soo soo soooo long!! The boys with the glasses is also there which I think is pretty sweet along with the girl who had too much to drink.

I assume that Sun Jing and Qiu Tong are together here and look how cute they are!! Look at Sun Jing being the good girlfriend and being nice about Qiu Tong’s dumplings. I wish every chapter was like this all warm and fuzzy.

I do wish we had more chapters of Qin Xiong and Upperclassman. I really want to know how their relationship is going to develop and we haven’t seen a glimpse of the President since the basketball match!! Fingers crossed they’ll make their return soon.

Next Chapter 
I have no idea. I’m completely lost on how this story is going if I’m honest so instead I’m going to wait and see what happens. Hopefully I’ll be pleasantly surprised. fingers crossed for Upperclassman story!!

You can read Tamen De Gushi here.

Rhian Dixon
I'm a photographer and lifestyle blogger for my very own website . A manga and anime enthusiast who trains Super Saiyan style, I'm also partial to buying Asian films and never watching them x

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