Marvel Legacy #1

Writer: Jason Aaron
Artists: Esad Ribic & Steve McNiven
Colorist: Matthew Wilson
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Publisher: Marvel

A Review by Greg Brothers

It is no secret that things at Marvel have been a little rough over the last couple of years, with an overabundance of events that fatigue readers. Whether or not Marvel has been listening to tired readers, or if the plan all along has been leading to Legacy, the new Marvel Universe has finally arrived.

Before going any further, know that a lot of major revelations are made in Legacy #1. And, while I try to avoid spoilers, some things may be revealed–so tread lightly.

Legacy #1 starts over a million years ago as the prehistoric Avengers, that have only been introduced in teasers, discuss what to do with the celestial that they have just defeated. After a time jump we find out that the “descendants” of those prehistoric Avengers are all having dreams and visions of some sort of haunting disturbance. This includes Starbrand, who is willing to kill to protect something hidden. In addition to the main story unfolding, throughout Legacy #1 there are several small variants that give an idea where future storylines are headed.

Legacy #1 makes some major moves that are going to strongly impact the Marvel Universe over the next few years. It is because of that heavy lifting that Jason Aaron was the best choice to scribe the story. Aaron has experience telling stories that have significant, universal impact, and it shows here. The dialogue, while tackling these overarching themes, is broken down in easy to consume bites. Each panel, each word, is made to feel like it is more important than the next. And, although all of the actions are connected in the story, each part is allowed to shine.

What made Aaron right for this job is his ability take these big events and then create more intimate dialogue. The panels featuring RiRi Williams, Sam Wilson and Jane Foster as they team up highlight that ability. The wit and humor between the three makes them feel like they have been together forever, although it is their first team up. Jane Foster’s confidence as Thor shines as she commands the room and her hammer. Loki’s charisma is on display, and Aaron deftly shows his understanding of the nuances of the character.

The art throughout falls in line with the Marvel style. Nice clean lines with detailed faces and emotions are prominent throughout. Bright colors and the use of shadows help to reveal characters at the right time. The action sounds draw the reader in, and grab your attention, even when the famous SNIKT! flashes across the page.

Verdict: Buy it!

Reading Legacy #1 made me remember why I have always loved Marvel. The depth that Aaron is able to go to reminded me of how much there is to dig into in the Marvel Universe. Each character feels genuine and fully fleshed out. Meanwhile, each action seems to have a major impact. If the Legacy line continues the trajectory of Legacy #1, the future for Marvel is looking up.

Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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