Hello! The Fordcast: A Harrison Ford Podcast is so happy to be a part of the Rogues Portal family!
We like our men like we like our coffee – hot, grumpy, and named Harrison Ford.
The Fordcast is a bi-weekly podcast where actors/writers/comic minds Rachel Leishman (Culturess.com) and Lauren Milberger (Formerly of Forcesofgeek.com) attempt to watch and discuss all of Harrison Ford’s film work chronologically… before Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi is released in theaters… we mean the new Young Han Solo movie… really whenever we’re done.
Often the unknown films are the most fun. Join us for The Full Ford and more… comedy, film commentary, interviews, and trivia await you! (P.S. We also talk a lot about Carrie Fisher.)
Already a year into our mission, we hit the year 2000 next Friday (8/25) with the Robert Zemeckis (Back To The Future, Forrest Gump) directed/Clark Cregg (Marvel’s Agent Coulson) written What Lies Beneath with special guest Parisa Fitz Henley.
You make recognize Henley as Reva Connors on Marvel and Netflix’s Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. She is currently the adorable and powerful Fiji on the NBC summer series Midnight, Texas.
You can check out our back catalogue by subscribing on iTunes, Soundcloud or wherever you listen to podcasts. Then, join us here next week for our latest episode.You can also win prizes by listening and following us on social media.
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We are sponsored by Haus Urban Skincare.
Past guests have included: actress Maria Thayer (The Mindy Project, Those Who Can’t), Author J.W Rinzler (Lucas Films: Making of “Star Wars” books, The Complete Making of Indiana Jones), and writer J. Holtham (Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger).
You can check out some of our iTunes reviews here.
Check our website for more info!
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