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This chapter of 19 Days came out so quickly after day 216 that it completely caught me off guard. I was still enjoying the second chapter when boof, here comes day number 217!!! In the last chapter He Tian was going to treat little Mo to something, what we have no idea but I believe we’re about to find out…

He Tian has decided to take Mo Guanshan to a very posh restaurant as a treat, however Mo seems horrified by the sight of it and whilst shaking he leaves the restaurant immediately and ends up reliving a traumatic experience…

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My poor poor little fox!!! What a traumatic experience. This is the first time we get a glimpse of his back story and I feel so so sad for him!! How he came to dislike his dad I’m pretty sure we’ll find out in the next few chapters.

Can we also talk about the fact that he welcomed He Tian’s comfort!? Instead of telling him to fuck off, like he usually does, he just calls out his name. He needed him then and I believe a bit of me believes he accepted the fact that, well, he needed a friend. He Tian obviously didn’t take him there on purpose and he knows that.

He Tian was also the one who snapped him out of his flashback and this is the first time we see both of them call each other by their names. I believe their relationship is only going to get better from here.

Back to this flashback: This ties up so many loose ends. Why Mo is always desperate for money, why his dad is locked up. the love he has for his mom. Everything can be answered in this small chapter. The mafia were clearly there not to destroy their restaurant but to destroy their entire livelihood. I also believe there will be a major plot twist involving either Jian Yi’s father of He Tian’s family. I don’t know why but that’s the feeling I’m getting.

You can read 19 Days here

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Rhian Dixon
I'm a photographer and lifestyle blogger for my very own website . A manga and anime enthusiast who trains Super Saiyan style, I'm also partial to buying Asian films and never watching them x

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