It’s that time of the week again where Old Xian blesses us with a new chapter to the ever so popular 19 Days Manhwa. Not only were we given a new chapter but we were also given a new piece of official art by the extremely talented artist. The art depicts an older Mo Guanshan, bloodied with a plaster over what looks like an extremely bad cut over the eye. Is this a sign of events to come? Is our precious Mo going to lose his eye?! Only time will tell, but until then we have more chapters ahead of us. The last time we checked in with our boys Jian Yi had just been rescued and had a quick reunion with Zhang, a bittersweet moment that melted the hearts of the fandom. Also this signifies a beginning of a new arc!! So how does this one begin?

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The chapter starts with Mo Guanshan finishing his shower, his grabs a book and starts relaxing when he remembers something clearly important. He rummages around his wardrobe to find an astrology. He reads out what we can assume is a trait of a certain zodiac and believes it’s utter nonsense. Whilst reading all of this out loud his hands are slowly working down his trousers. He ends up having a nervous breakdown when he has a reply to his reading by He Tian, who is standing outside his bedroom door.

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I am beyond thrilled that my two favourite characters are having the time in the spotlight again, even if it’s just for one chapter. After the angst we received in the last arc and think we’re due some cute fluff from these two. This chapter leaves so many questions…whose zodiac sign was he reading? Will the next chapter just carry on after the last panel? Will the next chapter jump to a new day? Where was his hands going? Soo many questions and some I don’t think we’ll ever have the answer to.

It’s safe to say the fandom went slightly crazy for this chapter. It has a naked Guanshan, He Tian is in his bedroom…safe to say the fandom is dying to have the next chapter as soon as possible!!

You can read 19 Days here

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Rhian Dixon
I'm a photographer and lifestyle blogger for my very own website . A manga and anime enthusiast who trains Super Saiyan style, I'm also partial to buying Asian films and never watching them x

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